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Download high quality pictures and wallpaper of Kareena Kapoor who is the glamorous female actress of Bollywood film industry. Here you will find some of the finest and largest image compilation of Kareena Kapoor wallpapers containing her latest, sexy and original pictures.

We will provide you with the best Kareena Kapoor wallpapers on the net. The wallpapers have been divided into two categories listed above and they are all available in different resolutions, mainly 1024x768 and 800x600 resolution.

We have plenty of fantastic high quality Kareena wallpaper available to you to download free - follow the links above to get to your desired category, and then click on the small thumbnail to access the full sized picture. Each wallpaper of Kareena will open in a new window; we feel this enables you to navigate the site more easily. Once it has fully downloaded, right click on it and select from different options.

Hope you like our wallpaper and picture collection of Kareena Kapoor. Enjoy!